
Once you have Lowdown installed, add it as an extension to your Sphinx configuration file:

extensions = [

Now add relevant release and change directives to an included source file, such as release.rst to detail each release:

.. release:: 0.1.0
    :date: 2015-01-01

    .. change:: new
        :tags: interface

        Added a fantastic new feature to the interface that you will all

    .. change:: fixed
        :changeset: c0381d8
        :tags: api, documentation

        Fixed an embarrisng issue in the API and updated documentation to
        be clearer as well.

    .. change:: changed
        :tags: interface

        That shiny button is now red!
        `Read more <>`_

Once built, it will look like:



In the configuration file you can also specify Lowdown specific options to control the output:


The format string to use with arrow.get when rendering the release date. Defaults to D MMMM YYYY.

Control how release links are generated. Can be either a format string that has {value} in it where the release string should be, or a callable that accepts the release string and returns a full URI string. If not specified, release titles will be plain text and not links.

Control how changeset links are generated. Can be either a format string that has {value} in it where the changeset string should be, or a callable that accepts the changeset string and returns a full URI string.

If not specified, changeset references will be plain text and not links.


By default, a lowdown.css stylesheet is added with some basic styling. Take a look to see which classes you can use in a custom stylesheet to further control styling.